Friday, July 24, 2009


Have you ever felt the urge to do something, anything? Maybe you've had a craving for a certain food, or REALLY wanted to buy that dress at the mall. Now take that urge and multiply it by about ten or even twenty. That's the urge that a thrichster feels when sitting in front of a mirror, holding a pair of tweezers, trying not to pull out that eyelash that they've been messing with for the last six or so hours. I've often questioned if it was even possible to not pull it out. I don't think I've ever been able to put down the tweezers without pulling at least one eyelash... and all you other trichsters know what that leads to: more lash pulling.

If you just happen to run across this blog and find it interesting, and you don't have trichotillomania, by all means please read on. I must warn you, you probably will not understand it. You will not understand why or the range of emotions that we go through or how great it feels to pull but then how miserable it feels when you realize that your eyelids are bald. I just have one request: try to understand. Then again, what am I saying? If you are reading this, you must be trying to understand, right?

I have been pulling my eyelashes out for at least 12 years. I'm not sure exactly when I started or even why. I have told no one for all of these years except when I told my wonderfully understanding boyfriend last month. That is the same time that I began researching it and finding out that there are many people out there who do the same thing...and often think they are alone until they research it. I started this blog because I actually came across someone else who did this, and I read her blog. It inspired me to write about it. Maybe if I talk about it daily it will help. This way, it's not as embarrassing because I'm not looking someone in the face as I'm talking. This could be the start of something great!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on starting your blog. I completely understand how hard it can be to write about it openly, but I have met so many amazing trichsters since I started writing :)
